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This post is about the newest version of hero editor. The latest version fixes many bugs that were present in previous versions, and adds many new features that were requested by our customers. This includes the ability to open all files in your directory, instead of just opening one at a time. It also includes an alpha preview mode for editing illustrations. This post will teach you how to install the latest version of hero editor, and how to use it once it's installed. We hope you enjoy!##Get all posts published by jimihendrix curl "https://api.pubmatic. com/v1.1/jimihendrix/posts?fields=title,body&api_key=PUBMATIC_KEY" \\ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \\ ##Example output:{ "data": { "pageTitle": "Post #1", "pageBody": "This is the first post!" }, "meta": { "_pageID": 23, "_articleID": 1 } }This post is about the newest version of hero editor. The latest version fixes many bugs that were present in previous versions, and adds many new features that were requested by our customers. This includes the ability to open all files in your directory, instead of just opening one at a time. It also includes an alpha preview mode for editing illustrations. This post will teach you how to install the latest version of hero editor, and how to use it once it's installed. We hope you enjoy!##Get all posts published by jimihendrix curl "https://api.pubmatic. com/v1. 1/jimihendrix/posts?fields=title,body&api_key=PUBMATIC_KEY" \\ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \\ ##Example output:{ "data": { "pageTitle": "Post #1", "pageBody": "This is the first post!" }, "meta": { "_pageID": 23, "_articleID": 1 } }This post is about the newest version of hero editor. The latest version fixes many bugs that were present in previous versions, and adds many new features that were requested by our customers. This includes the ability to open all files in your directory, instead of just opening one at a time. It also includes an alpha preview mode for editing illustrations. This post will teach you how to install the latest version of hero editor, and how to use it once it's installed. We hope you enjoy!##Get all posts published by jimihendrix curl "https://api.pubmatic. com/v1. cfa1e77820